Early May – we are past the equinox and heading quickly to June 21st summer solstice. the days are getting longer, with first daylight beginning at 5:30am. The plants know it – transplants still in the greenhouse, transplants recently planted into the garden, newly emerging seedings, fruit trees, berry bushes and others. It is time to get on with the business of growing! Even though its still cool at night, with a risk of frost, the gathering day length and warmth signals an urgency of the season.
At Transition Garden, we are putting out cold hardy transplants, like peas, lettuce, chard, radicchio, spring turnips, onions, collards, kale, bok choy and others. We are seeding radish, cilantro, dill, arugula, beets, parsnips and carrots into freshly prepared beds. Potatoes went in almost 3 weeks ago, with more to follow. Some of the earliest lettuce transplants, cold hardy leaf lettuces, will be ready to pick in another 1-2 weeks. Our first radishes are only 2 weeks away as well.
The garlic is going gang-busters after pushing through the straw when there was still snow on the ground. We will be foliar feeding it with a spray of sea weed emulsion for an extra boost, which will pay off with larger bulbs at harvest time.
And we are keeping an eye on the peach tree, trusting that the blossoms will make it through any late threats of frost. I think the bees may be concerned as well, since they are all over them for the nectar and pollen.
An important aspect of gardening and farming is the need to stay intimately tuned to the cycles of nature. As our society returns to this connection, and nurtures it as a teacher, the more we will learn the true meaning of sustainability. And, not just sustainability, but of regeneration and renewal of all the forms of life around us.